Spain's New Health Minister Revives Medical Cannabis Hope

Picture of Kristine Decena

As Spain overcomes a long stretch of political impasse, the newly formed government offers promising commitments to resolving the country’s stalled movement on medical cannabis regulation.


The laborious task of forming the new government ignited public protests and conflicts with Brussels. However, the effort put forth has placed a dedicated Health Minister who is committed to the task of actualizing the previous administration's pledges of establishing a medical cannabis framework.


A Reignited Optimism

The backing of Health Minister Mónica García Gómez for medical cannabis regulation is welcomed by Carola Pérez, President of the Spanish Observatory of Medicinal Cannabis (OECM). The OECM has been instrumental in introducing medical cannabis in Spain, and this dedication signifies a milestone in their decade-long campaign.


"We have someone who truly sympathizes with patients. She’s also a specialist in pain.", expresses Pérez. "We are ecstatic because the government has stated that they will cooperate with us to ensure the optimal execution of plans. This is the first such reassurance from the Spanish government."


Breathing Life into Medical Cannabis Regulations

The newly appointed Health Minister Mónica García Gómez committed earlier this January to revive the government’s plans to regulate medical cannabis. The plans were initially slated for implementation in January 2023 but were perpetually delayed by the previous administration, then indefinitely postponed following the snap election in July 2023.


Spanish local media sources report that Minister García has met with the management team of the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) in relation to the Ministerial Order draft that was prepared in 2022. The draft, now reportedly passed onto the Ministry of Health, provides an initial framework for regulation.


"When she assumed her position, the first thing she expressed was her interest to push ahead with this", enlightens Pérez on minister García's fervor in involving patients and experts in the process. "Now we are genuinely hopeful that it’s going to take place. This is a distinct shift."


A Health Minister Committed to Medical Cannabis

Interestingly, minister Mónica García Gómez, who originates from the pro-cannabis and left-wing Sumar party, is a staunch supporter of medical cannabis. Beyond her political role, she's a qualified anesthesiologist and has been engaged with the OECM since 2015.


Don Bellamy, CEO of Spanish medical cannabis firm Linneo Health, commends the zeal of the new health minister. He expresses that this news could mark a turning point for Spanish patients, providing them with access to safe, quality medicinal cannabis products to manage their conditions. His firm anticipates being part of the discussions with the government in making this happen.


There is no confirmed date yet for the consultations, but insiders suggest that they are to be scheduled within the coming weeks.


Toward A Brighter Tomorrow

Spain's process towards medical cannabis regulation has been in the works for over a year and a half, suffering from continual delays owing to Spain's turbulent political climate. However, this new wave of optimism from the Health Ministry and relevant stakeholders may be the momentum it needs towards actualization.

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