How To Prevent Smelling Like Weed

Picture of King Abidoye

When you smoke marijuana, you're probably familiar with that signature aroma. While most of us appreciate it as part of the experience, others may not be so thrilled by it. Enjoying your favorite cannabis can often result in the marijuana smoke clinging to your clothes, hair, the fabric of your car seats and furniture. But reducing the smell can be possible and easy.

Here are a few proven tips on how to prevent and reduce the smell of weed:

Wear clothing designated for smoking

Clothes that absorb odors, such as wool and cotton, are not ideal for smoking marijuana. Instead, wear fabrics like polyester or nylon. This allows the smell of your weed to pass through without absorbing it. 

You can also wear a jacket or hoodie that you only use when smoking. This way, you avoid bringing home any residual odor.

Wash your hands and brush your teeth after smoking

Do you know that the smell of marijuana can linger on your breath and hands long after smoking? We are even at risk of gum disease because smoking reduces the flow of blood to our gums and stains our nails.

Hence,  brushing your teeth and washing your hands are helpful in this regard. 


Designate a weed smoking area

Designate a smoking area in your house to prevent the strong smell of cannabis from permeating into other areas of your home. Many people smoke weed in their bedrooms with less ventilation. This can lead to marijuana odours getting soaked into bedding, clothes and other household items.


Utilize scented candles or air fresheners

If you want to reduce the smell of weed in your home, open up the windows and let some fresh air. Then use classic room deodorizers, candles, or chemical air fresheners that are proven to cover up the odor of marijuana. If you use an air freshener, ensure it not only masks odors with chemicals. It should remove them from the air by trapping them in its filter. 


Consider using a vaporizer.

Vaporizers heat your cannabis and release its active ingredients into an inhalable vapor without combusting it. So, you won't emit smoke or tar when you use one—and, therefore, no strong odors! 

Many vapes are available today. Some are portable, while others require electricity and a power source, such as an outlet or USB port. As long as it is legal in your area, you may use your portable vape without having to worry about the lingering skunky smell in your room or on your clothing.


Invest in a smoke filter.

A smoke filter attaches to the end of your joint or blunt. It filters out some harmful chemicals in marijuana smoke. You can get these online, and they resemble a long tube with openings in it.

If you're using a joint or blunt, insert the filter into your mouthpiece and push it down until it's secure. Then light up as usual! Taking hits from this filtered end will taste slightly different from normal hits. But it's similar to the unfiltered ones.


Be Mindful of Those Around You

As a weed lover, you are likely used to the smell of your weed and getting that gnarly hit can make you forget how you smell, but many people do not like the smell of weed. 

If you are around others who do not smoke, you can consider taking steps to reduce the smell like mentioned above or choose an alternative method to consuming cannabis like edibles or vapes.


King Abidoye

King Abidoye is a passionate cannabis content writer who deeply understands the plant's benefits. With over five years of experience in the industry, King has a knack for crafting informative and engaging articles that keep readers hooked. Whether you're looking for insights on the latest cannabis trends, information on the science of cannabis, or tips on how to enjoy cannabis responsibly, King has you covered. But King’s expertise isn't just limited to the science of cannabis. He also deeply appreciates the plant's cultural and social aspects and loves exploring the many ways cannabis intersects with art, music, and fashion. You can find King watching the English Premier League or playing FIFA with friends when he isn't busy writing.


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