A Guide to Cannabis Etiquette: 5 Tips for Social Consumption

Picture of Rebecca Olmos

Etiquette is another word for social norms – habits and behaviours that the general public finds acceptable and respectable. There are etiquette standards for a variety of different professional and social settings, including cannabis consumption. 


With over half a lifetime of cannabis consumption and insights gained from my time as a budtender, I've encountered a wide range of social consumption scenarios – Not all of which I navigated with ease. I’m for sure guilty of violating some of these rules, and I say that so you know it’s all good if you ever commit a social cannabis faux pas. There’s always a chance to try again next time.  


Whether you’re a new or long-time solo consumer, it’s helpful to know what is expected in each group session so you can feel comfortable and confident sharing this moment with others. In this article, I'll share 5 basic cannabis etiquette tips to ensure you and your friends have the most pleasant and positive experience. Most of the tips apply to smoking, but they can generally be applied to all types of cannabis-sharing experiences. 


1. Respect people’s wish to consume, not, or stop.


This might be controversial because some people believe that if you start smoking a joint, you should commit to finishing. However, this can lead to overconsumption and unpleasant experiences. 


If you want to smoke the whole joint, that’s great – consume in a manner that aligns with your comfort level. Equally normal is the situation where you initially agree to join your friends in partaking but then change your mind. It’s also okay to start smoking and later decide to pause or take a break. Regardless of your choice, it's important not to make others feel uncomfortable or guilty about recognizing and respecting their personal limits.


2. Contribute to the session.

In many cultures, it’s customary to bring a gift when you arrive at someone’s home as a guest. The same is true for cannabis consumption. It’s considered impolite to come to the session with nothing to share or consume with the group.


Whether you bring the flower, the edibles, the rolling papers, or the snacks, it’s a courteous gesture to ensure you're adding to the gathering. I often make it a point to have at least one joint with me when meeting friends for a session. If possible, I may even visit a dispensary to pick up a specific item, such as concentrates, that a friend prefers.



3. Respect the rotation


This is a simple one, but the standard rule is to pass the joint to the left. Occasionally, it goes right, but it's essential to keep track of the direction. Try your best to maintain that flow consistently until the end. Avoid passing it backward or inadvertently skipping anyone in the circle.



4. Be mindful when passing.


This tip is a three-parter. 


The passing rule is often called “puff, puff, pass,” which means taking two puffs (or hits) and then passing the joint to the next person. This practice prevents any one individual from monopolizing the experience, assuring that everyone has a fair opportunity to enjoy the cannabis. 


It’s polite to ash the joint before passing it on to ensure no one gets ash on clothing or furniture. Also, remember to pass the joint carefully to avoid any accidental drops so the session can continue to run smoothly.



5. Keep the session cleanly


If you’re using any glass pieces like a pipe, bong, or dab rig, clean them properly before inviting people to share them with you. Dirty pieces can accumulate mold and resin, which can have adverse effects on your health and the flavor of the cannabis product.


Keep alcohol, tips, or wipes handy to clean between each person taking a hit from the glass piece. In some situations, you can even make sure each person has their own joint so you can still enjoy the experience together but not share germs.



Try these tips out!

Now that you have these five essential cannabis etiquette tips, you can try them in your social cannabis settings. The next time you hang out with your friends, see if it’s easy for you to follow them or if there are ways you can be a better cannabis comrade. It’s also crucial for me to note that this list is not all-inclusive, and there are several other rules that cannabis consumers live by.


Cannabis etiquette encompasses various other unofficial traditions of enjoying the plant together with others. Feel free to share these tips or create some unique to your cannabis preferences. Whatever rules govern each session, it's all about keeping the good vibes rolling so everyone can appreciate the benefits of cannabis and the connection that comes with sharing it. 


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Rebecca Olmos

Rebecca Olmos is a cannabis enthusiast, writer, and budtender. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication from CSU East Bay, where she started her writing career working for the campus newspaper. Her work is featured in publications like The Weed Blog, Miss Marijuana Official, and Mdrn Day Muse. In addition to writing for NuggMD, she is currently writing for the Cannifornian and Chemistry blog.


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